Video catalogue

Videos of impacts, species identification, and day to day operations in marine biosecurity.

MPI guide to keeping your boat free of marine pests

Forests of the Mediterranean fanworm, Saballa spallanzanii, occur on floating docks and wharf piles in Waitemata Harbour, New Zealand.

Researchers are using new methods to detect marine pests by searching the oceans for their DNA.

This astonishing video of the Northern Pacific Seastar at Mornington Peninsula, Australia shows just how abundant and devastating these invaders can be. [Pan Quong]

Hear about the impacts of the Chinese mitten crab in the UK and USA and learn how to recognise them [Jonathon Phan]

Hear about the impacts of the Asian clam and other invaders in San Francisco Bay, USA. [KQED -QUEST Productions]

This BBC documentary examines the effects of the aquarium Caulerpa on marine ecosystems in the Mediterranean Sea and attempts to remove it from lagoons in California.

Hear about the impacts of the European shore crab on clam fisheries in Maine, USA. [Portland Press Herald]