Ecology and impacts
Non-native marine species include a range of organisms that are variously predators, competitors, parasites, pathogens or habitats for other biota. They can have a variety of subtle and strong effects on native species, ecosystem processes and the benefits that we derive from them. Some species cause significant economic costs to sectors of society, while others can have severe effects on human health or amenity. Because different sectors of society can view the changes caused by non-native species from different perspectives there can also be disparate opinions about whether a species is considered harmful, useful or benign. This research investigates the complex changes caused by non-native species to New Zealand marine ecosystems and how they affect our way of life.
The Mediterranean fanworm fouling mussel...
Counting the cost of biofouling pests on mussel aquaculture
17 Feb 2020
12:00 AM
Non-native biofouling species are an increasing problem for shellfish aquaculture. Infestations on g...
Denitrification efficiency across densit...
Ecosystem impacts of the Mediterranean fanworm
28 Jan 2020
12:00 AM
The Mediterranean fanworm (Sabella spallanzanii) has hitch hiked around New Zealand since its discov...
Ecological changes caused by marine non-indigenous species: Waitematā Harbour case study
23 Apr 2018
12:00 AM
The Waitematā Harbour is an important ecosystem on the 'door step' of New Zealand's largest city - A...
Mapping New Zealand's marine values
19 Apr 2018
12:00 AM
Non-native species are recognised as one of the greatest threats to natural environments worldwide. ...
[Image: Dave Allen, NIWA]
The impact of non-native marine pests on our takutai moana
16 Jan 2018
12:00 AM
This project seeks to understand and better implement a Māori perspective within the current marine ...
[Image: Kimberley Seaward, NIWA]
What's at stake?
14 Mar 2017
12:00 AM
This four-year research project, funded by the Ministry of Business Innovation and Employment, aims ...