Double checking the contents of a benthic sled in Kaipara Harbour [Photo: Kimberley Seaward, NIWA]
The purpose of the surveys was to provide information to the agencies on the presence or absence of targeted marine pest species. The results will then be used to inform their respective marine pest management programmes. Baseline surveys of both harbours were last completed in 2006 and since that time over 90 new marine pests have been discovered elsewhere in New Zealand waters. On a positive note, no new-to-New Zealand non-indigenous marine species were detected. However, the non-indigenous colonial tunicates Botrylloides giganteum, Diplosoma listerianum and Eudistoma elongatum, the Australian dog whelk Tritia burchardi and hydroid Ectopleura crocea were officially detected for the first time in Kaipara Harbour. In Manukau Harbour, the non-indigenous Asian paddle crab Charybdis japonica, nudibranch Okenia pellucida and hydroid Ectopleura crocea were officially identified for the first time.
For more information on the surveys click here.
The final reports are close to completion and links to them will be made available when they are released.